Dr Rishi Shukla

Diabetes Care

Treatment for Type 1 Diabetes

Patients with type 1 diabetes have to take insulin regularly as part of their treatment, because their pancreas cannot produce insulin anymore. The most prevalent way to get insulin Into the body up till now has been the injection with a needle. The most recent development in this area is Insulin Pump. Our center is the first center of Northern India to give Insulin Pump Therapy to patients. We have highly skilled medications for offering this service.

Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes

When blood sugar (glucose) level in the body rises from normal to higher it is commonly known as diabetes. In medical terms it is called hyperglycaemia or type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. To understand more, every human body release insulin through pancreas to maintain the glucose level present in the body however if body resists the effect of released Insulin (also called as lInsulin resistance) or does not produce enough insulin to control the glucose level it is nomenclature as diabetes. Our center has been treating diabetes for more than 25 years. We have an illustrious track record of treating diabetes from an initial stage to the most chronic ones.

Pregnancy in Diabetes

We are fully equipped to handle pregnancy and all kinds of diabetes related to it. We have a dedicated team to handle following

  • Gestational Diabetes
  • Type 1 Diabetes and Pregnancy
  • Type 2 Diabetes and Pregnancy

Foot Care Services and Diabetes

It is important for diabetic patients to take special care of their feet. Our center has experts and paraphernalia in place to do proper foot examination and treat all sorts of foot ailments. We are best known as a centre who believes in educating patients on how they have to take care of their feet in diabetes.

If you need urgent care, simply call our 24 hour emergency hotline.

Your personal case manager will ensure that you receive the best possible care.

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+91- 8052038976